18. Mar, 2017

In today's world we ask a lot of ourselves.

In today's world we ask a lot of ourselves and we need the answers. We feel that we need to succeed at it all and do it like it is hard to do. We in fact set ourselves up for failure. No matter what we do life is never easy. There is always another problem that we need to solve and we don't feel happy about that. We feel grumpy when we should be happy and even when we are happy we just wonder when things are going to go wrong again. We feel tired, exhausted and afraid when we should feel happy. We feel that there is always something else that just needs fixing before we can really relax and be happy. We feel alone in the middle of our best friends and we don't even understand or really like ourselves although we keep that secret to ourselves we know that this all needs fixing if our life is going to be worthwhile. We need a way to get a happy life.

I am writing a new book that will show you in three easy steps how to move from a life lived full of apparently unsurmountable challenges to a life where you love every day and can't wait to see what the next day will bring.

I did that and you can too.

18. Mar, 2017

Check out my book 'Living with Miracles'

Is your life filled with miracles? Do you know how to have joy and peace no matter what is happening around you? Can you keep healthy? Do you know how to live without colds and flue? Do you know how to escape depression?
This book is a story of how I learnt to do these things and continue to experience them in my life. It is a story of God's power and the Holy Spirit's ability to teach us when we listen to Him and do what He says. "It all started one day with a miracle..." Go to amazon.com/author/lynne.fredlund to find it on kindle. If you want a hard copy just email us from the contacts page of this site.

18. Mar, 2017

Looking Back

Looking back through my files I found this little video post and thought that I would share it with you. One of my egg customer families had asked if they could bring their little ones to see the chickens. We did this and this is the resulting short video we did in order to celebrate the event. Hope you like it.